Official Goulding Consultants & Trainers Site

Official Goulding Consultants & Trainers Site


Dear Joane , thank you so much for what you’ve developed…the effects are so far reaching ……for generation after generation……I don’t think we could possible imagine the extent of the changes created by your process Joane. The following is some feedback about a case history that I thought you would be interested to hear about.

– Jenny Murphy. Queensland: Acupuncturist, Hypnotherapist, Holistic Healer.

“We have been doing the with ‘A’ since we spoke about it and it has improved him out of sight. He no longer wakes up all the time in a tantrum and both he and I are much closer. He is showing a lot more physical affection for me and confidence over all. The daily tantrums have nearly disappeared. We are nearly over the foundation month so I will start putting in suggestions re eating (as he is not eating a lot nor touching meat and vegetables) and then about expressing his frustrations (he lashes out).
I just don’t know where we would be at this juncture without the .”


A widowed parent with a child who has fears of abandonment, behaviour issues and temper tantrums reports her son has responded to the process. At the end of the 2nd phase, he is much better, no longer in crisis, happy to   go to school, displaying improvements and now making new friends. His mother is continuing with the process.  

Accredited Consultant: Rachel Clavien – Genève:


Feedback: “The parents are delighted to report that ‘K’ showed improvement in all identified areas.  While some of the improvements were improved by only 5% it is the opinion of the writer that these areas are developmental, and that ‘K’ appears to be developing in line with her age and stage of development.  Her parents reported she has stopped having tantrums, is getting along with her sister better and has improved in her ability to share with others.”

Accredited Consultant – Janine Nash  – Vic 2019   


Fear of death, nightmares and anxiety relating to her parents separation have all started to reduce since the introduction of phase 1 of the process.  No longing waking up at night, now going to school without a fuss and becoming more serene, has indicated to the parent the process is assisting her daughter. The 2nd phase has been introduced and the mum is happy to continue. 

Accredited Consultant: Rachel Clavien – Genève:  


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