The Founder of The Goulding Method advises the following professional organisations and associations accredit Goulding Method graduates:
The following professional associations and organisations are recognised for Ongoing Professional Development (OPD/CEP) courses, programs and workshops:
- Asociatia Romana De Hipnoza
- Australian Hypnotherapy Association (AHA)
- Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (ASCH)
- Clinical Hypnosis Australia (CHA)
- Diabetes Research Association of America Inc. (USA)
- Federation of Victorian Counsellors (FVC)
- Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists (GoAH)
- HypnoBirthing Institute (Worldwide)
- Minnesota Institute of Advanced Communication Skills Inc. (USA)
- National Council of Integrative Psychotherapists (UK)
- New Zealand Hypnotherapy Federation Inc. (NZ)
- Professional Clinical Hypnotherapists of Australia (PCHA)
- Professional Hypnotherapists of Australia (PHA)
- Swiss School of Therapeutic and Medical Hypnosis. (Accredited: I’ASCA)
- The Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists (AACHP)
- The Council of Clinical Hypnotherapists (Australia) Inc.
- The Elman Institute (USA)
- The Hypnotherapy Association UK (HAUK)