Official Goulding Consultants & Trainers Site

Official Goulding Consultants & Trainers Site

PTSD / Visual Hallucinations / Fear

Yarra Valley Practitioners Project (YVPP) for Children – Case Study mothers report:  “Some months after the fires my son developed a significant post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) including visual hallucinations.  With psychological support, a trip away and a summer without fires he improved but remained anxious, unable to separate from us easily and with ongoing vague physical symptoms.

With the assistance of – a year on he is a much healthier boy.  He sleeps as well as before the fires, has made new friends, tried new foods, can’t wait to go on his school camp and is engaging in life with a new confidence.  He is less fearful of change than he has ever been in his life.  When things go wrong as they inevitably do in life he deals with them far more calmly.  At the end of 2009 I wondered if the fires were still going to take my boy from me; now I have him back. Thank you Joane.”

Mum – JW – May 2011


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