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Post-traumatic stress disorder

Overcoming Post-traumatic stress disorder –  Emotional Stable

 “AM’s energy has increased in mornings. He doesn’t dread the routine he has to follow during the day. His interest and confidence in reading and writing has gone up. Also one morning after 2 months of doing The Goulding Method- he woke up and said that he loves me. I was stunned and had tears in my eyes.

AM was initially very edgy and cranky for a week. But, I had faith that like the last time this will work too. After a week to 10 days of the statement settling in he became less paranoid of himself and what everyone did. We had a relaxed child at home. His teachers said that he was smiling in the classroom and answering more questions. I am relieved. 

Mother “N” has said “AM” always tries to do things on his own and first tries to reach out himself. If he fails, he asks for help. His teachers are very happy with him as he is doing work on his electronic pad upto his potential.

“N” feels more accomplished as a mother and feels that now she has sealed the bond of love with “AM”. She also mentioned that “ Michelle” was her role model for “AM”. Also finally there was reduced therapist help and basic physiotherapies only.”

Aneesha Sethi:  Accredited Consultant – India  2018 


Post – Traumatic stress disorder

May 2010

I would like to take this opportunity to pass on my thanks to Yarra Valley Practitioners (YVPP) and Joane Goulding for offering the program to parents at Middle Kinglake Primary school.

I ‘m the mother of a 9 year old boy and we unfortunately lost our house in the Black Saturday bushfires. My parents also lost their home and together with the loss of the school and sadly, many friends of both mine and my sons, we have felt quite devastated.

We were unable to leave Kinglake on that night and we were forced to battle the fire when it came. This was very traumatic, especially for my son.
In October last year my son developed symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the form of frequent panic attacks bed wetting and eventually an eating disorder which made him unable to swallow many solid foods.

My son began to see a child Psychologist who helped him with many aspects of his PTSD, as did the school councillor. My son was still having trouble with separation anxiety, processing worries, bed wetting, confidence, being in large crowds, going to sleep and general happiness.

I didn’t know anything about the Goulding Method, but I needed some way to help my son and after reading the information from Yarra Valley Practitioners I thought it was worth a try.  Having the sessions in Kinglake made it possible for me to attend.

The change in my boy is amazing! I noticed a difference in him after only one week and he gets better every day.  The separation, crowd and sleep issues have disappeared and there are improvements with his bed wetting. The thing that has meant the most to me is to see his confidence and happiness returning.

I have passed on Joane’s details to a friend who lost her husband in the fires and who has a boy who has not responded to other forms of counselling and is understandably very distressed.

I look forward to continuing to work with Joane, and I will be forever grateful to her for helping me to help my son. Thank you for making this program available to assist our emotional recovery.

From YVPP Parents. Kind Lake Middle Primary.



We had our last update in December 2018. Based on the conversation, the parent told me that ‘A’ now is more cheerful, thoughtful and energetic in overall. 

Client appreciated what have done to her and her family. Although the monitoring experiment has come to an end, she will still continue to apply this process.

Accredited Consultant: Lee Hong Yiap – Singapore 2018


Attitude and Calmness.

“Parents feedback: ‘J’ is a delightful young boy and The Goulding Method – has made a significant change to his general demeanour.  He seems much happier, light and calm.  He has a much better outlook on life and calmness has taken over his whole body which means that he is now more open, cooperative and happier to consider alternative ways of being.  

He is also developing a can do attitude which is a great contrast to his previous can’t do or too difficult attitude.  His comprehension has also improved considerably as a result of his calmer demeanour.

The Goulding Method – has been beneficial to both children but also to the family as a whole.  It seems to have really brought the whole family closer together in ways that the family did not believe was required nor possible.  It has enriched everyone’s lives and the family are planning to continue the process  with both children for many years to come.”

Accredited Consultant: Mary Lynch NSW 2011


Calmer and Happier.

“After 16 weeks, mom and dad were very happy and thankful for improvements seen in ‘W’. Although he still has lots of room for improvement. They both agreed that at present, he has accomplished so much more than expected. 

It is easier to reason with ‘W’, now that he is generally calmer and happier. The level of stress at home is much lower, mom is less anxious about helping ‘W’ integrate into society, making it easier for her to cope with her own illness; diabetes.

 She is much more aware of how her own thoughts and words affect ‘W’ and is now communicating with him in a more positive light and is less anxious or critical of his limitations.  

We look forward to continue with the Goulding Method- ™ and will certainly advise daddy to be involved in the process now that he sees it’s potential.  My learning form this experience is that Goulding Method- ™ is a great way to help any parent shift their perspectives.

 I’ve known Mum for almost 2 yrs. She has always focused on ‘W’s limitations. It is really heart-warming to see her focus on ‘W’s positive qualities instead. I feel really blessed that I am contributing positively in ‘W’s life. Thank you Joane! 

Hasnah Bte A. Rahman – Accredited Consultant and Trainer. Singapore 2017  


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