Official Goulding Consultants & Trainers Site

Official Goulding Consultants & Trainers Site

Overcoming fear of using toilet

Charmaine here from your Queensland class on Friday, I just wanted to let you know the most amazing thing. Friday night when I came home I typed up the new poo statement for Ethan Friday night was the new version.

Saturday afternoon my husband called to say that Ethan had taken himself off to the toilet and then started calling Daddy Daddy Daddy Mark when in there to see what was wrong and Ethan said “Look Dad I did a big poo in the toilet” and sure enough he had pooed in the toilet for only the 3rd time in his life, he then wouldn’t flush it cause he wanted me to see it, so mark had to take a photo of it and send it to me!!!

I am totally blown away that of only 1 night of the new Goulding Method – statement he went and did a poo!!!!! Totally amazing, totally blown away on every level, I know The Process is is strong but after only one night after 2 years of trying to get him to sit on the toilet after all the Dr’s appointment, Paediatricians, Gastro Paediatricians and Occupational Therapist, one night of new statement and bang done.  He since has also pooed on the toilet today we think but said he flushed so will continue to monitor the progress and let you know.

Thank you so much Joane for all your help on Friday to figure this out I cannot thank you enough for this amazing system, I feel very lucky to be learning this powerful work to help so many other kids just like Ethan.  Lots of hugs

June 2013 – Queensland – Charmaine Eykenboom.XXX


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