Firstly I must extend my sincere thanks to you for the gift of Sleep Talk. The wonder of your simple program has permeated our whole family.
My husband, D and I have three children, my eldest son S. aged four and a half, his brother B aged three and a quarter and sister M who is six months old. I took M to the paediatric chiropractor back in September and it was there that your book was recommended to me. I believe I mentioned to the chiropractor, that S was quite shy and sometimes lacked confidence, and that is how the subject of your book came up. I ordered it straight away and could not put it down.
We are blessed to have three wonderful, ‘normal’ children. As I mentioned, I was somewhat concerned that S’s confidence seemed to be diminishing, on some levels, rather than increasing with age. The other major concern was that S was a nail biter. I believe the nail biting was a response when he became anxious or was out of his comfort zone but it had developed into a habit also. It was to the point of creating sores on his fingers.
After working with the foundation script for a couple of months, we introduced the nail biting suggestion. After only a couple of weeks the biting had drastically reduced and is now non-existent. It was a very happy day when we actually had to cut his nails! His fingernails really are ‘healthy and strong’ and we point that out often. That to me was proof positive of the power of Sleep Talk.
S’s confidence has also greatly increased. He is still quite reserved in large groups but that is his nature and personality. He will, however, take the initiative to interact with others much more readily and is willing to speak his mind when necessary. We went on a family holiday in November and my husband and I both asked, “Who is this child?!”. At one point he took off and introduced himself to another child in the caravan park and the next thing we knew he was riding the boy’s bike! It was a delight to behold.
Our B has always been quite confident and we believe that Sleep Talk is reinforcing that. When he used to attend day care he did have some separation anxiety on occasion and can still get anxious when I move out of sight and he thinks he has been left. He starts three-year-old kinder in the new year so it will be interesting to see how he goes. We have already introduced a fear and anxiety suggestion to try to counter any issues he may have and we discuss how much fun it will be all of the time (he already knows kinder very well because Sam had his first year this year).
M is pure delight and a year off her introduction to Sleep Talk!
Your book, Sleep Talk, has so perfectly complemented everything else I have been reading on my own spiritual journey. I am so grateful that with the aid of Sleep Talk my children will develop beliefs about themselves, and their place in the world, that will bring all that is positive to their life experiences. I am working on stripping back the layers of so many negative beliefs my subconscious has been clinging to. It is cathartic and amazing but my children will be blessed if it is a process they never have to go through. If we are building a positive foundation and teaching them to love who they are then we are succeeding as their parents. I hope that they will be glad they chose us!
Again, thank you Joane. Happy New Year.