Official Goulding Consultants & Trainers Site

Official Goulding Consultants & Trainers Site

Foster care & adoption

December 2009

Re: February 2009 Bushfires

Earlier this year, a number of opportunities were offered to our School to help families affected by the 2009 bushfires, among them, The program. As foster parents of a young, severely traumatised child we were interested to find out more about this program and in June attended our first session.

There are many “fix it” programmes out there and naturally we were a little sceptical about looking at yet another one. However, from the outset we found we connected strongly with Joane and after a brief introductory session we decided to give it a go. At least, we thought the programme could do no harm; at best, that it could really help.

We were not expecting the positive impact that this program was to have on the child in our care. We have now been using the process for almost six months with fantastic results. The behavioural changes and “happiness” that have become part of this child’s life are a joy to see.

From a child who had quite severe PTSD symptoms and oppositional behaviours, and on whom normal methods of discipline had little effect, she is now calmer, happier and less intense. Although still a handful, she now initiates daily tasks and even enjoys them!

The constant, quiet, affirming nature of this program has benefited not only the child but also us as caregivers. Just repeating the individually designed phrases each evening gives rise to a feeling of calm at the end of the day.

Sincere thanks to Joane and her team for the ongoing encouragement and support, via email and phone calls, we have had throughout the time we have been associated with the program.


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