I wanted to share with you just some of the feedback from within the last 12 months that I have had from parents. It gives me such pleasure to be able to help families make transformations at home with the use of such a practical, easy to apply process. Enjoy!
2012 Jenny Harrison- UK Consultant
“We are all going to work and school in a better mood these days as my son’s mood seems to be much more balanced and can you believe it- he is even more cooperative and brushes his teeth now when asked- do you remember when I joked about that and said I will just be pleased if he starts to do that! He is now!”
Parent of 9 year old boy, after following the bedtime routine for just 3 weeks, Cheadle Hulme.
“I had a letter from my daughter’s teacher today to say that her confidence at school has improved and she is now speaking in class and asking for help. I have also seen improvements in her written work- I have seen it with my own eyes! Also when she reads she reads with more tone now and more expression! I am so grateful.”
Parent in Holland, whom 5 weeks prior to beginning was considering giving up work to home school, due to her daughter’s lack of confidence.
“Thanks, been a definite improvement – most days no accidents so very pleased. Thanks for all your help”
Parent of a 3 year old boy toilet training, Warrington
“I love it already!”
Mum before she had even began at home, following the training session.
“My 9 year old son came in to the kitchen the other morning and said that he had a ‘warm feeling’ in his tummy…”
One parents comments in the first week of saying the words to her boys at bedtime
“Since I have been saying the words to my daughter it has made me feel more positive as a person. It was a negative year last year for me but I now feel more positive as a person. I have definitely seen an improvement in N’s wellbeing and her tantrums are obviously still there because that is ‘normal’ with her being 3 years old but now they are less frequent and she calms much more quickly now”
N.G, Warrington
“There is no doubt in our minds that works. It has given us our beautiful little boy back!”
Mum of 2, Knutsford
“It used to take a long time for our kids to get going in the morning, now after a few weeks of saying the lovely words to them at bedtime they are waking up with smiley faces in the morning! We feel we are seeing good results from using this great technique!”
Parents of 2, Cheadle, Stockport
“B has been dry 4 out of 5 nights this week after one week into the program! I will keep you posted”
J B- Hale, Cheshire- Mother of five year old boy
“Now that I have learnt the technique I understand how it works and ‘get it’. My son is already waking up in a great mood and feeling better about himself…I will keep you posted with any changes in the next few weeks!”
C. Hartigan, Stockport, Cheshire- Mother of 4 children
“I overheard my son the other day playing with his toys in his bedroom singing Today’s a happy day…!”
Mum of two, Bramhall, Cheshire
“I don’t know whether I’m being optimistic but I think I have seen changes already in the first few days of doing the ”
Mrs. C, Cheadle- after 3 days of saying the .
“Since speaking with you I think about the words I am using now with my daughter and I say to her that she CAN do something”
Mum, Warrington
“ was a solution to A’s bedwetting. Within the first week of the second stage of the program, he was getting up and going to the toilet.“
Mrs. B, Knutsford
“I just can’t believe how things have changed when we look back to how things were just three months ago. At a recent party I couldn’t believe it when I turned around and A had just run off to play- he used to be so clingy to us! Delighted!”
Dad, Knutsford.
“I worked with Jenny as I had read about and felt that my 10-year-old son would greatly benefit from it. I found that the process fitted easily into our routine and we have always remained dedicated to keeping the process part of the night-time routine, as Jenny explained how important this was.
We found that there was ‘feedback’ within a matter of days as my son began getting up in the morning for school in a really good mood, with plenty of energy.
Other results included the fact that my son’s teacher and head teacher noted that he had been writing more in his written work and also that he was more confident with his moths – even asking to come in at playtime to do his moths work!
As my son became more confident and self-assured, it was noticeable that he began to socialise better with his peers, and the best example of this is that he began to be invited to more parties.
The behaviour change that had led to this improvement in the classroom – he was now beginning to feel self confident – also meant that S. didn’t feel the need to behave in an attention-seeking manner, which could be seen as disruptive.
We are now working with the specific ‘suggestions’ as my son is working through important exams.
We have truly found that has been a tool that has been easy to fit into our routine and one that has made a huge difference to our family’s life.
There is no doubt that the program is “working”. When my son said “Mum, everything has been great since 3 weeks ago!”
He didn’t quite know why it was – but we knew. It was 3 weeks prior to this, that we had started the programme!
We continue to use this program now and I would highly recommend it to any parent of any child. The results really do speak for themselves.”
Mrs. S – Cheshire Mother of a 10 year old child with additional needs
“Initially I didn’t think would have the potential to work on my 3 year old daughter, however after trying the technique that Jenny demonstrated I found my 3 year old to be calmer and more settled with here bedtime routine. The process was very easy to follow and manage. Jenny made us feel at ease with the simple technique helping us with every step of the way. On the whole it has been a worthwhile contribution to my daughter’s now very healthy sleeping routine”
Nicola, Stockport, Cheshire
“ has not been a bind at all – it literally takes minutes and I love saying the words to my daughter.”
Mum’s comments after a week of the process
“I really think that the process helped T deal with the grief he had for his dog. Within one week he seemed to be talking more about him and we were able to have little talks about the memory of him.”
D.H Cheshire
“D used to struggle with non-uniform day- it used to really stress him out. This morning he just got up, got dressed and went to school!”
Mum of 7 year old boy, Cheshire
“Hi I was just talking in the staff room yesterday about – people always think it is for children with sleeping problems! Anyway just wanted to say that since starting the whole family has noticed an improvement in my Dan’s behaviour. It is hard to believe that with so little time and effort our daily lives have improved so much. Dan is a much calmer boy now and has fewer tantrums; in fact it is now a rare occurrence that we have to send him to his room for time out (it used to be a couple of times a day at weekends). It is also a lovely time for me to go into his room at night and whisper to him it is a nice end to the day regardless of it being a good day or not. Dan is definitely waking up ‘bright and happy’ these days – we love it!”
Mary – Stockport- Parent of two children and a primary school teacher