Dear Beryl,
it was wonderful to meet you last week at ‘The Change Initiative’ for the ‘Sleep Talk’ workshop in Dubai. I found the workshop hugely interesting and my husband and I have been following the foundation programme for a week now.
As well as finding the process very special and very healing (particularly for me), we have noticed some major changes in our son already. He has stayed in his own bed every night since we began, except for once and that time it was different.
Instead of bursting into our bedroom in a crazed panic, he came in and asked very calmly and quietly for a kiss, after which he went straight back to bed.
We have also noticed him much more independent when he is in a social setting or out and about with us, his language is more fluid and he’s not getting so mixed up with the third person when he talks about himself, his teacher also reports him as calmer and more focused at school.
Thank you for giving us and our son this truly incredible gift. ‘S’ was diagnosed with mild high functioning autism two years ago and in that time he has been through therapy, been prodded and poked, tested and assessed to his and our limit as parents who adore him.
Finally we have found a non-invasive way to allow him to be the best he can be. Thank you.
Parent – A&M – Dubai – 2014